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“Every picture tells a story,” Mr. Stewart sings. Well, what happens when you string several pictures together? Sometimes they call that a “movie,” or a “film.” In keeping with the "Different Take" theme, the “Stories” told here fall between: strings of still photographs that go together to tell a story. They “hang together.” Currently there are 9 stories available, ranging from 10 images (“What we found” and “Pearson Point Impressions”), to 115 images (“Franklin Ave – front and back”), but most consist of about 14 to 18 images. The signature story is "Push," a video poem  with an urban street theme of pushing beyond boundaries. 


Each of the Stories includes an associated text to provide some atmosphere.


 Access on the website will depend on space. However, any of the stories may be purchased at any time. New Stories are always in process.


Currently available:


Castration (N=18)

Franklin Ave – front & back (N=115)

Led Zep ’75 (N=14)

Most Holy Name (N=15)

Pearson Point impressions (N=10)

Push (N=64)

The Bouquet Project (N=14)

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